Gillespie Gifford & Brown Macmillan Coffee Morning – Friday 29th September 2017
On 29th September 2017, we took part in Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning hosting our own coffee morning across our four offices in Castle Douglas, Dalbeattie Kirkcudbright and Dumfries.
All staff and Partners across our four offices did a great job baking and contributing delicious cakes, biscuits and cookies for our stalls, as well as decorating our offices to make them look the part!
Between 10am and 3pm clients, family, and friends dropped in for a slice of cake and a cup of coffee in exchange for a donation to Macmillan Cancer Support.
We are pleased to announce that our “bakers, tasters and coffee makers” raised a massive total of £702.52 and would like to thank all for coming along and making it a successful event.
The award for ‘Star Baker’ in our Castle Douglas office went to our new Trainee Solicitor, Fergus McColm.